viernes, junio 01, 2007

Breves del 1 de junio de 2007

Aunque la página está bien cuidada, siento no estar actualizando últimamente. Un par de detalles solamente. The Independent titula German brain drain at highest level since 1940s y el último párrafo dice así:

However, the gradual economic upturn has so far failed to halt an exodus of the country's well-trained. Thomas Bauer, a labour economist from Essen, was scathing about Germany's employment conditions. "Germany is certainly not attractive when compared to other countries in Europe," he said. "The taxes are too high, the wages are too low and feelings of jealousy towards high-income earners is widespread. This is a special deterrent to the highly qualified."

Claro que visto desde España eso parece de broma, lo de los bajos salarios, vamos. A la par recoge en la misma noticia un hecho que no deja de parecerme curioso:

Yesterday, the country'swoes were underscored by a report which disclosed that areas of unemployment-wracked eastern Germany were populated by a "male-dominated underclass susceptible to far right ideology" because of a dramatic 25 per cent exodus of young women aged 18 to 29.

Sigo con cosas curiosas. En el mismo periódico How an ex-beauty queen saved trees of Paseo del Prado . Y dice:

Baroness Thyssen-Bornemisza told a recent protest meeting: "These trees can never be moved, they have been there for too long. They will never be cut down. I will climb the trees myself to stop it happening."

En fin, ¿quién iba a decir a Carmen Cervera que acabaría apareciendo en la sección de internacional de The Independent? Les dejo hasta el finales de este mes y aprovecho para agradecer su paciencia y disculparme por la disminución de calidad de mis anotaciones. A finales de junio las cosas volverán a su cauce habitual.

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